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Conflict Resolution Courses

Learn conflict resolution from top schools on edX today!

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What is Conflict Resolution?

Conflict management can extend from major areas of global conflict to our smaller interpersonal conflicts that happen daily. Conflict resolution skills are in demand in the workplace and can mean the difference between interpersonal relationships that work and ones that fall apart. Conflict resolution skills include things like active listening, understanding win-win solutions, and providing problem-solving to a number of conflict situations. Effective conflict resolution handles strong emotions by using emotional intelligence and nonverbal communication as well as negotiation skills to resolve differences.

Learn about Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution training has many benefits. You're better able to manage your own relationships and provide a valuable resource in the workplace, not to mention volunteer opportunities. has courses designed in partnership with leaders in the field of conflict resolution. Classes are available to students worldwide on their own schedules. Courses are free and available for students everywhere. They build critical knowledge and can be taken for official credit for affordable fees. Allow to help you get started, no matter what your interests are.

Conflict Resolution Courses and Certifications

ASU offers a course -- Communicating and Negotiating in a Dynamic Global World -- that gives you an authoritative overview of the global implications of negotiation and conflict resolution. You'll learn the communication and decision-making skills necessary to manage issues on a worldwide scale despite difficult situations. You'll also learn to find common ground despite cultural differences. Other courses include Newcastle's professional certification course, Leadership and Management in Education. The education field is ripe for conflict with so many different personalities and goals. Education-related conflict resolution strategies provide participants with a comprehensive set of tools to use, specifically in an education setting.

Explore Conflict Resolution Strategies

Your conflict style may change as you get older and encounter different people and experiences, but the need for resolution remains unchanged. As you navigate personal relationships and professional ones, negotiated agreements are a significant part of adulthood. edX offers courses that can give you foundational skills in conflict management for a variety of different situations, personal to professional, and local to global. Building communication skills can help you manage your life and handle conflict in a professional setting with the skills employers need. Allow edX and its partners to provide cutting edge research in courses available worldwide, and learn from the best on your schedule. It's time to gain the skills you need in the conflict resolution process, and edX can help you get started.