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Negotiations Courses

Learn about Negotiations and more with online courses from top schools and institutions on edX!

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What Is The Negotiation Process?

Whether it's business or in life, negotiation skills are vital to what you do every day. Decision making that involves more than yourself will include some sort of negotiation strategy, and knowing how to present your point of view and listen to others will get you a long way.

A win-win situation involves understanding everyone's underlying interests. Practice navigating complex negotiations so that when the time comes, you'll have a successful negotiation. These types of problem-solving skills are exactly what employers look for in soft skills.

From contract negotiations to dispute resolution, use established negotiation tactics as your most reliable course of action for getting to yes. This series of actions ensure the best outcome for everyone involved.

Learning The Negotiation Process

The stages of negotiation help ensure business success, resolve significant conflicts, and bring agreements where none appear at first glance. Negotiations courses can give you the skills you need for your resolution toolkit in a variety of circumstances.

EdX offers courses designed with leading thinkers and institutions in the field of negotiations. You can participate in courses from home and join students worldwide, all while honoring your schedule.

Negotiations Courses And Certifications

Michigan X offers a course, Successful Negotiation: Essential Strategies and Skills, designed to introduce the complexity of the negotiations process and what decision-makers do to come an agreement. You'll learn the difference between different resolution types, the win-win, for example, or the win-lose. 

You can apply those skills to a global world in ASUx's course, Communicating and Negotiation in a Dynamic Global World. You'll have a comprehensive overview of how different countries and cultures view negotiations and its process, including the United States and allies. These dealmakers provide a foundation for understanding the global perspective of getting to yes.

For those of you in a specific field, courses like Strategic Leadership in Healthcare from DoaneX can prepare you for negotiations in that industry. In times of disruption, like a pandemic, or everyday negotiations with service providers and insurance companies, you'll be a valuable resource.

Building Negotiation Skills for the Modern World

Counteroffers for salary negotiations. Conflict resolution on a global scale. Reaching across the aisle in politics. Negotiations are everywhere. Make sure you understand what's at stake and the best course of action when it comes down to the wire. Your active listening skills and even your best alternative to a negotiated agreement could ensure everyone's best outcome.

EdX provides a path for your skills, both personal and professional. It's time to level up your abilities and make a difference.